roaming green
chevaux horses
roaming green
   Original Art above, with Indian Ink and Watercolors from Joseph Deneault, around 1985  
 ~ Please,
em@il me  if you print, reproduce or...
roaming horses

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  1. Last Modifications by Djeault with Seamonkey Composer 2.53.14, on 2022dec27, from Quebec, QC.
  2. Forelast Modifications by Djeault with Seamonkey Composer 2.53.14, on 2022dec15, from Quebec, QC.
  3. Modific@tions by Djeault, Saturday, August 9, 2003, with NC 4.8
  4. Modific@tions by Djeault, July 28 & 29, 2003.
  5. Modific@tions by  Joseph Djeault   Deneault, Tuesday, December 3, 2002
Before today, the above im@ge was m@de of 2 halves and weighed altogether 134 KO;
it now only weighs 55 KO: that will make it more accessible to modem connections.